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WECreate Spaces -

In Betweeness

Limerick, Ireland

London, United Kingdom

Moreila, Mexico


In WECreate Spaces the artists explore the local as a collective, zooming into the in-betweenness of urban landscapes and producing space in a re-imagined form. Through observant moments, when strolling through the cities and viscerally listening to the atmospheres of the places, the dancers, the camera and edit generate a collaborative knowledge that illustrates how the artists connect to their inner sources of understanding the world through the body. This imaginative attention captures the rhythm of places and navigates between the dichotomy of specificity vs the generic urban scene. Inventively transforming the usual into extraordinary, seeing with new eyes and inhabiting each location fully.


Filmed in Limerick, Ireland; London, United Kingdom; Morelia, Mexico, 2018-2019.


Directors: Ana Baer & Heike Salzer

Dance: Rocio Luna, Michelle Nance, Heike Salzer

Costume design: Robert Burton

Original music: Joaquin Lopez Chas

Camera: Ana Baer

Editing: Ana Baer

Production: WECreate Productions

Length: 5.24 Min

Dimensions:1920 × 1080i



Production images on location: Morelia,  London, Limerick

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