'Extreme Landscapes' at Dance City
Heike is collaborating with videographers Ana Baer (USA/Mexico), Jessica Smith (UK/HK) and composer/sound artist Jack Laidlaw (UK) in the...

Collaboration with videographer Ana Baer
In April Heike has been ollaborating with videographer Ana Baer, in San Marcos, Texas, experimenting and filming in the co-production of...

Artist residency at Texas State University
Together with visual artist Ingi Jensson, Heike spent two weeks in March as artist in residence at Texas State University Dance...

Filming ice, snow and bubbling water in Iceland
Together with Icelandic visual artist Ingi Jensson, Heike travelled to Iceland to film footage of the extreme landscapes of the Icelandic...

Inventing futures, ArtEZ Arnhem
Together with co-researcher Kristine Sommerlade, Heike was invited to lead a 90 minute round table discussion at the Inventing futures...